Study |
/study |
Special |
0% |
7.2 |
Tomescroll |
/tomescroll |
Special |
0% |
7.2 |
Dazed |
PvP Series 8 - Level 5 |
/dazed |
Special |
0% |
7.2 |
Overreact |
/overreact |
General |
0% |
7.2 |
Pose Of The Unbound |
/poseoftheunbound |
General |
6.0% |
7.16 |
Water |
Jonathas - Old Gridania - 2 Achievement Certificates |
/water |
Special |
18% |
7.1 |
Shake Drink |
50,000 MGP |
/shakedrink |
Special |
15% |
7.1 |
Attend |
PvP Series 7 - Level 5 |
/attend |
Special |
10% |
7.1 |
Bouquet |
Valentione's Day (2025) |
/bouquet |
Special |
7.5% |
7.1 |
Blow Bubbles |
Online Store |
/blowbubbles |
General |
0.8% |
7.1 |
Ohokaliy |
/ohokaliy |
General |
15% |
7.1 |
Fry Egg |
Online Store |
/fryegg |
General |
2.0% |
7.05 |
Uchiwasshoi |
Moonfire Faire (2024) |
/uchiwasshoi |
General |
17% |
7.0 |
Lop Hop |
/lophop |
Special |
24% |
6.55 |
Humble Triumph |
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 9 Aloalo Potsherds |
/humbletriumph |
General |
23% |
6.51 |
Victory Reveal |
410 MGF (Fall Guys Collaboration) |
/victoryreveal |
General |
26% |
6.51 |
Sundering |
Item code included with Meister Quality Figure Hydaelyn & Zodiark |
/sundering |
Special |
1.6% |
6.5 |
Slump |
PvP Series 5 - Level 5 |
/slump |
Special |
21% |
6.5 |
Love Heart |
Valentione's Day (2024)Online Store |
/loveheart |
Special |
24% |
6.5 |
Eat Chicken |
KFC Promotion (Japan Only) |
/eatchicken |
General |
0.2% |
6.5 |
Jump For Joy 5 |
Online Store |
/jumpforjoy5 |
General |
5.2% |
6.5 |
Jump For Joy 4 |
Online Store |
/jumpforjoy4 |
General |
5.2% |
6.5 |
Jump For Joy 3 |
Online Store |
/jumpforjoy3 |
General |
5.2% |
6.5 |
Jump For Joy 2 |
Online Store |
/jumpforjoy2 |
General |
5.2% |
6.5 |
Jump For Joy 1 |
Online Store |
/jumpforjoy1 |
General |
5.2% |
6.5 |
Reference |
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 9 Rokkon Potsherds |
/reference |
General |
22% |
6.45 |
Cheer On: Bright |
Online Store |
/cheeronbright |
Special |
15% |
6.4 |
Cheer Wave: Violet |
Online Store |
/cheerwaveviolet |
Special |
15% |
6.4 |
Cheer Jump: Green |
Online Store |
/cheerjumpgreen |
Special |
14% |
6.4 |
Advent Of Light |
Online Store |
/adventoflight |
General |
10% |
6.4 |
All Saints' Charm |
All Saints' Wake (2023)Online Store |
/allsaintscharm |
General |
25% |
6.4 |
Magic Trick |
Online Store |
/magictrick |
General |
5.8% |
6.4 |
Hand To Heart |
PvP Series 4 - Level 5 |
/handtoheart |
General |
19% |
6.4 |
Ear Wiggle |
Quest "Dreams Come True" (Requires Loporrits Rank 8) |
/earwiggle |
General |
28% |
6.35 |
Linkpearl |
PvP Series 3 - Level 5 |
/linkpearl |
General |
24% |
6.3 |
Little Ladies' Dance |
Little Ladies' Day (2023)Online Store |
/littleladiesdance |
General |
31% |
6.3 |
Frighten |
Hatching-tide (2023)Online Store |
/frighten |
General |
30% |
6.3 |
Wow |
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 9 Sil'dihn Potsherds |
/wow |
General |
37% |
6.25 |
Spirit |
PvP Series 2 - Level 5 |
/spirit |
Special |
21% |
6.2 |
Eat Chocolate |
Valentione's Day (2023)Online Store |
/eatchocolate |
General |
29% |
6.2 |
Eat Pumpkin Cookie |
All Saints' Wake (Oct 2022)Online Store |
/eatpumpkincookie |
General |
31% |
6.2 |
Deride |
Online Store |
/deride |
General |
12% |
6.2 |
Show Left |
The Make It Rain Campaign (2022)Online Store |
/showleft |
Special |
41% |
6.1 |
Show Right |
The Make It Rain Campaign (2022)Online Store |
/showright |
Special |
40% |
6.1 |
Sheathe Weapon |
100,000 MGP |
/sheathe |
General |
36% |
6.1 |
Draw Weapon |
100,000 MGP |
/draw |
General |
37% |
6.1 |
Drink Tea |
Online Store |
/tea |
General |
20% |
6.1 |
Eat Egg |
Hatching-tide (2022)Online Store |
/eategg |
General |
36% |
6.1 |
Determined |
PvP Series 1 - Level 5 |
/determined |
General |
28% |
6.1 |
Wring Hands |
Zadnor Lockbox |
/wringhands |
Special |
53% |
5.55 |
Shush |
/shush |
General |
65% |
5.55 |
Pantomime |
Online Store |
/pantomime |
General |
16% |
5.5 |
Eat Pizza |
Online Store |
/eatpizza |
General |
13% |
5.5 |
Vexed |
The Make It Rain Campaign (2021)Online Store |
/vexed |
General |
43% |
5.5 |
Flower Shower |
Online Store |
/flowershower |
General |
21% |
5.5 |
Malevolence |
50 Bozjan Clusters |
/malevolence |
Special |
43% |
5.45 |
Sweep Up |
1,800 Skybuilders' Scrips |
/sweep |
Special |
52% |
5.41 |
Eat Apple |
Kupo of Fortune |
/eatapple |
General |
58% |
5.41 |
Eat Rice Ball |
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present |
/eatriceball |
General |
35% |
5.41 |
Simulation F |
Item code included with Meister Quality Figure Omega |
/simulationf |
Special |
2.4% |
5.4 |
Simulation M |
Item code included with Meister Quality Figure Omega |
/simulationm |
Special |
2.4% |
5.4 |
Wasshoi |
Online Store |
/wasshoi |
Special |
14% |
5.4 |
Paint It Blue |
/paintblue |
General |
50% |
5.4 |
Paint It Yellow |
/paintyellow |
General |
50% |
5.4 |
Paint It Red |
/paintred |
General |
50% |
5.4 |
Paint It Black |
/paintblack |
General |
50% |
5.4 |
Guard |
50 Bozjan Clusters |
/guard |
Special |
37% |
5.35 |
High Five |
1,800 Skybuilders' Scrips |
/highfive |
General |
43% |
5.31 |
Lali Hop |
Mizutt - Watts's Anvil (Lakeland) - 8 Hammered Frogments (Rank 8) |
/lalihop |
Special |
46% |
5.3 |
Bee's Knees |
80,000 MGP |
/beesknees |
Special |
68% |
5.3 |
Flame Dance |
Moonfire Faire (2020)Online Store |
/flamedance |
Special |
45% |
5.3 |
Consider |
The Make It Rain Campaign (2020)Online Store |
/consider |
General |
40% |
5.3 |
Read |
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present |
/read |
General |
47% |
5.21 |
Break Fast |
900 Skybuilders' Scrips |
/breakfast |
General |
51% |
5.21 |
Insist |
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present |
/insist |
General |
38% |
5.21 |
Goobbue Do |
Online Store |
/goobbuedo |
Special |
14% |
5.2 |
Heel Toe |
Online Store |
/heeltoe |
Special |
13% |
5.2 |
Snap |
Online Store |
/snap |
General |
24% |
5.2 |
Headache |
/headache |
General |
33% |
5.15 |
Lean |
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present |
/lean |
Special |
60% |
5.11 |
Toast |
Online Store |
/toast |
General |
29% |
5.1 |
Lali-ho |
/laliho |
General |
71% |
5.0 |
Manderville Mambo |
/mandervillemambo |
Special |
62% |
4.5 |
Fist Pump |
Moisture-warped Lockbox - Eureka Hydatos |
/fistpump |
General |
30% |
4.5 |
Gratuity |
/gratuity |
General |
43% |
4.5 |
Ultima |
Item code included with Meister Quality Figure Ultima, the High Seraph |
/ultima |
Special |
1.8% |
4.45 |
Reprimand |
15,000 Wolf Marks |
/reprimand |
Special |
38% |
4.45 |
Scheme |
Heat-warped Lockbox - Eureka Pyros |
/scheme |
Special |
38% |
4.45 |
Popoto Step |
Online Store |
/popotostep |
Special |
17% |
4.45 |
Get Fantasy |
Online Store |
/getfantasy |
Special |
18% |
4.45 |
Senor Sabotender |
The Make It Rain Campaign (2019)Online Store |
/sabotender |
General |
33% |
4.45 |
Endure |
/endure |
Expressions |
68% |
4.4 |
Confirm |
/confirm |
Special |
43% |
4.4 |
Hum |
/hum |
Special |
68% |
4.4 |
Side Step |
Online Store |
/sidestep |
Special |
18% |
4.4 |
Box Step |
Online Store |
/boxstep |
Special |
16% |
4.4 |
Tomestone |
Available if registered in the Companion app |
/tomestone |
General |
66% |
4.4 |
Shiver |
Cold-warped Lockbox - Eureka Pagos |
/shiver |
Special |
46% |
4.36 |
Sweat |
Confederate Custodian - Crick (The Ruby Sea) - 10 Empyrean Potsherds |
/sweat |
Special |
49% |
4.35 |
Ponder |
/ponder |
Expressions |
69% |
4.3 |
Yol Dance |
Gyosho - Dhoro Iloh (The Azim Steppe) - 8 Namazu Koban (Rank 6) |
/yoldance |
Special |
53% |
4.3 |
Crimson Lotus |
Online Store |
/crimsonlotus |
General |
13% |
4.3 |
Elucidate |
15,000 Wolf Marks |
/elucidate |
General |
38% |
4.3 |
Splash |
Moonfire Faire (2018)Online Store |
/splash |
General |
39% |
4.3 |
Megaflare |
Online Store |
/megaflare |
Special |
15% |
4.25 |
Reflect |
10,000 Company Seals |
/reflect |
Expressions |
65% |
4.2 |
Big Grin |
20,000 MGP |
/biggrin |
Expressions |
53% |
4.2 |
Winded |
Eschina - Rhalgr's Reach - 6 Mythic Clan Mark Logs |
/winded |
Special |
22% |
4.2 |
Tremble |
Eschina - Rhalgr's Reach - 6 Mythic Clan Mark Logs |
/tremble |
Special |
20% |
4.2 |
Cheer Jump |
Little Ladies' Day (2018)Online Store |
/cheerjump |
Special |
52% |
4.2 |
Cheer Wave |
Little Ladies' Day (2018)Online Store |
/cheerwave |
Special |
52% |
4.2 |
Cheer On |
Little Ladies' Day (2018)Online Store |
/cheeron |
Special |
53% |
4.2 |
Charmed |
Madhura - Castellum Velodyna (The Fringes) - 5 Ananta Dreamstaves (Rank 5) |
/charmed |
Special |
57% |
4.2 |
Power Up |
Online Store |
/powerup |
General |
15% |
4.2 |
Aback |
Kasumi - The Gold Saucer - 5,000 Gil |
/aback |
General |
64% |
4.2 |
Greeting |
/greet |
General |
71% |
4.2 |
Box |
/box |
Special |
75% |
4.1 |
At Ease |
40,000 Company Seals |
/atease |
Special |
66% |
4.1 |
Attention |
40,000 Company Seals |
/attention |
Special |
67% |
4.1 |
Breath Control |
/breathcontrol |
Special |
51% |
4.1 |
Sit-ups |
/situps |
Special |
51% |
4.1 |
Push-ups |
/pushups |
Special |
51% |
4.1 |
Squats |
/squats |
Special |
51% |
4.1 |
Ritual Prayer |
Shikitahe - Tamamizu (The Ruby Sea) - 3 Kojin Sango (Rank 8) |
/ritualprayer |
Special |
47% |
4.1 |
Pretty Please |
Online Store |
/prettyplease |
General |
18% |
4.1 |
Diamond Dust |
Item code included with Meister Quality Figure Shiva |
/iceheart |
Special |
1.6% |
4.05 |
Eastern Dance |
Online Store |
/easterndance |
Special |
23% |
4.0 |
Water Flip |
/waterflip |
General |
71% |
4.0 |
Eastern Stretch |
Online Store |
/easternstretch |
General |
12% |
4.0 |
Eastern Bow |
/easternbow |
General |
75% |
4.0 |
Play Dead |
Online Store |
/playdead |
Special |
48% |
3.5 |
Songbird |
Little Ladies' Day (2017)Online Store |
/songbird |
Special |
41% |
3.5 |
Moonlift Dance |
/moonlift |
Special |
41% |
3.5 |
Spectacles |
/spectacles |
General |
45% |
3.5 |
Backflip |
Online Store |
/backflip |
General |
18% |
3.5 |
Dote |
Valentione's Day (2017)Online Store |
/dote |
General |
52% |
3.5 |
Zantetsuken |
Item code included with Meister Quality Figure Odin |
/zantetsuken |
Special |
1.2% |
3.4 |
Eastern Greeting |
Online Store |
/easterngreeting |
General |
12% |
3.4 |
Yellow Ranger Pose B |
Moonfire Faire (2016)Online Store |
/rangerpose3l |
Special |
37% |
3.35 |
Yellow Ranger Pose A |
Moonfire Faire (2016)Online Store |
/rangerpose3r |
Special |
37% |
3.35 |
Black Ranger Pose B |
Moonfire Faire (2016)Online Store |
/rangerpose2l |
Special |
38% |
3.35 |
Black Ranger Pose A |
Moonfire Faire (2016)Online Store |
/rangerpose2r |
Special |
38% |
3.35 |
Red Ranger Pose B |
Moonfire Faire (2016)Online Store |
/rangerpose1l |
Special |
37% |
3.35 |
Red Ranger Pose A |
Moonfire Faire (2016)Online Store |
/rangerpose1r |
Special |
37% |
3.35 |
Moogle Dance |
/mogdance |
Special |
50% |
3.3 |
Haurchefant |
/haurchefant |
General |
51% |
3.3 |
Eureka |
The Make It Rain Campaign (2016)Online Store |
/eureka |
General |
30% |
3.25 |
Victory |
/victorypose |
General |
77% |
3.2 |
Battle Stance |
/battlestance |
General |
77% |
3.2 |
Sundrop Dance |
/sundance |
Special |
49% |
3.1 |
Gold Dance |
80,000 MGP |
/golddance |
Special |
59% |
3.1 |
Thavnairian Dance |
80,000 MGP |
/thavdance |
Special |
59% |
3.1 |
Fist Bump |
Recruit a Friend Campaign reward |
/fistbump |
General |
50% |
3.0 |
Most Gentlemanly |
/hildibrand |
Special |
67% |
2.5 |
Embrace |
Ceremony of Eternal Bonding |
/embrace |
General |
38% |
2.45 |
Huzzah |
The Rising (2014)Online Store |
/hurray |
General |
20% |
2.35 |
Bomb Dance |
Moonfire Faire (2014)Online Store |
/bombdance |
Special |
30% |
2.3 |
Manderville Dance |
/mandervilledance |
Special |
77% |
2.2 |
Ball Dance |
/balldance |
Special |
76% |
2.2 |
Harvest Dance |
/harvestdance |
Special |
76% |
2.2 |
Step Dance |
/stepdance |
Special |
74% |
2.2 |
Throw |
/throw |
General |
66% |
2.1 |
Imperial Salute |
/imperialsalute |
General |
81% |
2.0 |