Market Board

# Name Source Price World Updated Patch
Roar Of The Wyrm 1 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.0
Abroader Otter
Subaquatic Voyages - Deep-sea Site 7, Sea of Ash 2, Sea of Ash 3...Southern Front Lockbox / Zadnor Lockbox
1 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.45
No Quarter
Anemos Lockbox
1 Famfrit 2025-03-23 4.25
Wind-up Lakshmi
Heaven-on-High - Silver/Gold SackCrafted by Weaver - Emanation (Extreme)
1 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.0
Road Sparrow
Bardam's MettleHeaven-on-High - Silver SackSanctuary Materiel Container
1 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.0
Tower Of Zot (Endwalker)
The Tower Of ZotEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
1 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.0
Wind-up Titan
Heaven-on-High - Gold/Platinum SackCrafted by Weaver - The Navel (Hard)
1 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.2
Monkey King
The Swallow's CompassSouthern Front Lockbox / Zadnor LockboxEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
1 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.3
Wind-up Shinryu
Crafted by Weaver - The Minstrel Balad: Shinryu's DomainSouthern Front Lockbox / Zadnor Lockbox
1 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.1
Dust Bunny
Auriana - Mor Dhona - 3 Allagan Tomestones of PoeticsHatching-tide (2016)
1 Excalibur 2025-03-23 2.0
Wind-up Namazu
Timeworn Gazelleskin Map
1 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.05
Wind-up Weapon
The Ghimlyt DarkSouthern Front Lockbox / Zadnor LockboxEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
1 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.45
Proof Of A Hero - Monster Hunter: World Version
The Great Hunt (Extreme)Smithy - Kugane - 5 Rathalos Scales+
1 Exodus 2025-03-24 4.36
Tengu Doll
Field Exploration XXIISouthern Front Lockbox
1 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.1
Stigma 1 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.2
Battle With An Esper (Zodiac Age Version)
Castrum Lacus Litore (The Bozjan Southern Front)
1 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.35
Life And Death (Zodiac Age Version)
Castrum Lacus Litore (The Bozjan Southern Front)
1 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.35
The Sirensong SeaHeaven-on-High - Silver/Gold SackSanctuary Materiel Container
6 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.0
Wind-up Airship 10 Ultros 2025-03-23 2.0
Unbreakable 10 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.3
Morbol Seedling 35 Lamia 2025-03-24 2.0
Lipflaps On Longstops 49 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.2
Bom Boko
Field Exploration XX - XXIIHeaven-on-High - Silver SackSanctuary Materiel Container
50 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.0
Mock-up Grynewaht 50 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.0
Wind-up Susano 50 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.0
Shisui Of The Violet TidesHeaven-on-High - Silver/Gold SackSanctuary Materiel Container
55 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.0
Slime Puddle 59 Excalibur 2025-03-24 2.1
Wind-up Bismarck
Heaven-on-High - Silver/Gold SackCrafted by Weaver - The Limitless Blue (Extreme)
59 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.0
Allagan Melon
GardeningQuick Exploration
60 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.3
Wind-up Magnai 60 Exodus 2025-03-24 4.3
Demon Brick 60 Ultros 2025-03-24 2.0
The Prince Of Anemos
Anemos LockboxFATE "The Shadow over Anemos" - Eureka Anemos
60 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.25
Wind-up Sadu 60 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.3
Korpokkur Kid
Saint Mocianne's ArboretumHeaven-on-High - Silver/Gold Sack150 Faux LeavesSanctuary Materiel Container
60 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.1
Odder Otter
Highland Exploration XIX - XXIIWoodland Exploration XIX - XXIIWaterside Exploration XIX - XXIIHeaven-on-High - Silver/Gold SackSanctuary Materiel Container
60 Exodus 2025-03-24 4.0
Wind-up Tarutaru
Pagos Lockbox
60 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.36
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)Southern Front Lockbox / Zadnor LockboxEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
60 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.4
Tiny Tatsunoko
Gathered by FisherHeaven-on-High - Gold SackSanctuary Materiel Container
60 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.0
Coblyn Larva 60 Famfrit 2025-03-24 2.0
Wind-up Mithra
Anemos LockboxFATE "Short Serket 2" - Eureka Anemos
60 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.25
Private Moai 69 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.2
Wind-up Fafnir
Anemos LockboxFATE "Wine and Honey" - Eureka Anemos
72 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.25
Kidragora 75 Lamia 2025-03-23 2.0
Shaggy Shoat
XelphatolHeaven-on-High - Silver SackKupo of FortuneSanctuary Materiel Container
79 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.4
Abomination 84 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.3
Salt & Pepper Seal
The Drowned City Of SkallaSouthern Front Lockbox / Zadnor LockboxEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
88 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.1
Castaway Chocobo Chick
Gathered by FisherHeaven-on-High - Silver SackSanctuary Materiel Container
89 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.0
Torn From The Heavens/The Dark Colossus Destroys All (Medley Version) 90 Ultros 2025-03-23 5.3
Echoes Of Ages Past 90 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.3
The Ludus 95 Behemoth 2025-03-23 5.4
Wind-up Hien
1 Khloe's Bronze Certificate of Commendation
95 Excalibur 2025-03-23 4.1
Hunting Hawk
Heaven-on-High - Silver/Gold Sack800 Skybuilders' ScripsSanctuary Materiel Container
97 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.1
Freedom 99 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.5
Toll Of The Bells 99 Lamia 2025-03-24 6.2
Wind-up Zhloe
1 Khloe's Bronze Certificate of Commendation
99 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.3
The Palace of the Dead - Iron/Silver Sack
100 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.45
The Sound Of The End 100 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.5
Miracle Works
Ktisis HyperboreiaEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
100 Famfrit 2025-03-23 6.0
Wind-up Ravana 100 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.1
Wide-eyed Fawn
Auriana - Mor Dhona - 3 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
100 Ultros 2025-03-24 2.0
Wind-up Matanga 100 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.1
Fledgling Dodo
Auriana - Mor Dhona - 3 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
100 Ultros 2025-03-24 2.0
The Sound Of The End: 8bit 100 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.5
Poison Ivy 108 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.0
Pilgrimage 110 Hyperion 2025-03-23 6.1
Wind-up Edda
The Palace of the Dead - Iron/Silver/Gold Sack
120 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.4
Wind-up Khloe
1 Khloe's Bronze Certificate of Commendation
125 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.0
Mammet #001
Minion Trader - The Gold Saucer - 2,400 GilMaisenta (Gridania) / Roarich (Ul'dah) / Bango Zango (Limsa Lominsa) - 2,400 Gil
125 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.0
The Warrens 125 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.3
Radiance 125 Lamia 2025-03-24 6.1
A Thousand Screams 130 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.2
Below 130 Exodus 2025-03-23 5.4
Descent 140 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.1
The Maiden's Lament 140 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.2
Silver Tears 140 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.4
Miser's Folly 140 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.3
Shattered 144 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.2
Wicked Winds Whisper
Anemos Lockbox
144 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.25
Hallowed Halls 144 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.5
Eureka Hydatos - The Baldesion Arsenal
144 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.5
Alien Manifestation 144 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.1
Song Of The Ancients (Atonement) 145 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.1
Weight Of The World (Prelude Version) 145 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.1
The Great Gubal Library (Hard)Heaven-on-High - Gold Sack
145 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.0
Cold Salvation 145 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.3
Bipolar Nightmare 145 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.1
Ink Long Dry
The Great Gubal LibraryHeaven-on-High - Gold Sack
145 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.3
Slumber Eternal 145 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.4
The Darkhold 145 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.2
Emil (Despair) 146 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.5
Grandma (Destruction) 147 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.3
Fortress Of Lies 147 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.3
Mourning 147 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.5
Wind On The Plains
Southern Front Lockbox
148 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.35
City Ruins (Rays Of Light) 149 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.1
Dawnbound 149 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.0
Magitek Avenger F1 149 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.0
To Fire And Sword
Holminster SwitchEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
149 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.0
Dhalmel Calf
Pyros LockboxHeat-warped Lockbox - Eureka Pyros
150 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.45
End Of The Unknown 150 Ultros 2025-03-23 5.3
Empyrean Peak 150 Exodus 2025-03-24 7.0
Dancing Calcabrina 150 Behemoth 2025-03-23 5.4
Warming Up
1,000 Trophy Crystals
150 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.1
Ultima's Transformation 150 Exodus 2025-03-23 4.1
Garlemald Express
The Tower Of BabilEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
150 Exodus 2025-03-23 6.0
Precipitous Combat 150 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.1
Dark Vows 150 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.25
Of Countless Stars
The Dead EndsEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
150 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.0
Dwarf Rabbit
The AquapolisHeaven-on-High - Silver SackKupo of FortuneFête PresentSanctuary Materiel Container
150 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.3
Kainé (Final Fantasy Main Theme Version) 150 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.5
The Qitana RavelEureka Orthos - Gold Sack
150 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.0
Most Unworthy 150 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.1
Crafted by Weaver - The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme)Southern Front Lockbox / Zadnor Lockbox
150 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.45
From The Depths 150 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.0
In The Balance 150 Behemoth 2025-03-23 6.1
The VaultThe Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackThe Aquapolis
159 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.0
Wind-up Ramuh
Heaven-on-High - Silver/Gold SackCrafted by Weaver
160 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.3
A Tonberry's Tears 178 Behemoth 2025-03-23 5.3
A Trail Unending 180 Excalibur 2025-03-24 7.0
White Whittret
Hells' LidSouthern Front Lockbox / Zadnor LockboxEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
194 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.2
Alienus 200 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.0
Wind-up Shiva
Heaven-on-High - Silver/Gold SackCrafted by Weaver
200 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.3
In Fulgur And Fire 200 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.0
Aurelia Polyp
Subaquatic Voyages - Deep-sea Site 3, The Umbrella Narrow, The Cobalt Shoals...Southern Front Lockbox / Zadnor Lockbox
200 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.2
Omega Squared 200 Famfrit 2025-03-23 4.4
FATE "It's Not Lupus" - Eastern La Noscea
200 Ultros 2025-03-24 2.0
Bertana - Idyllshire - 1 Alexandrian Gear
210 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.5
Miniature Minecart
Highland Exploration XIVHeaven-on-High - Silver Sack
229 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.3
Deep Down
Malikah's WellEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
229 Behemoth 2025-03-23 5.0
Wayward Hatchling
Minion Trader - The Gold Saucer - 2,400 GilMaisenta (Gridania) / Roarich (Ul'dah) / Bango Zango (Limsa Lominsa) - 2,400 Gil
249 Ultros 2025-03-24 2.0
Punutiy Crossing 250 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.0
Bite-sized Pudding 260 Leviathan 2025-03-24 2.0
Naughty Nanka 260 Excalibur 2025-03-24 2.3
Baby Bun
FATE "Lazy for You" - East Shroud
260 Famfrit 2025-03-24 2.0
Wind-up Leviathan
Heaven-on-High - Silver SackCrafted by Weaver
300 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.2
Wind-up Chimera 300 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.0
Highland Exploration XXIISouthern Front Lockbox / Zadnor Lockbox
308 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.1
Cherry Bomb
Minion Trader - The Gold Saucer - 2,400 GilMaisenta (Gridania) / Roarich (Ul'dah) / Bango Zango (Limsa Lominsa) - 2,400 Gil
317 Ultros 2025-03-24 2.0
The Extreme (Shadowbringers) 333 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.4
Dohn MhegEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
340 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.0
As The Sky Burns
VanaspatiEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
349 Leviathan 2025-03-23 6.0
Run! (Endwalker)
1,000 Trophy Crystals
350 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.1
Fury 350 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.0
In The Belly Of The Beast
Mt. GulgEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
350 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.0
Tight-beaked Parrot 360 Leviathan 2025-03-24 2.4
Scarlet Peacock
Crafted by Weaver - Hell's Kier (Extreme)Southern Front Lockbox / Zadnor Lockbox
388 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.4
Koala Joey
Woodland Exploration XXIISouthern Front Lockbox / Zadnor Lockbox
389 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.1
Trisection 394 Famfrit 2025-03-23 4.1
Dress-up Yugiri 399 Hyperion 2025-03-23 4.0
Footsteps In The Snow 400 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.4
Primal Judgment 450 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.25
Axolotl Eft
Waterside Exploration XXIISouthern Front Lockbox / Zadnor Lockbox
484 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.1
Pudgy Puk
FATE "The Eyes Have It" - Coerthas Central Highlands
485 Ultros 2025-03-24 2.0
The Dark's Embrace 490 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.25
The Open Box 500 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.1
Afterglow 500 Behemoth 2025-03-23 4.45
Wind-up Ifrit
Heaven-on-High - Gold/Platinum SackCrafted by Weaver - The Bowl of Embers (Hard)
500 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.1
Page 63
The Great Gubal LibraryThe Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackThe Aquapolis
500 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.0
Classy Checkered Parasol
Southern Front Lockbox
500 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.35
Byakko Cub
Crafted by Weaver - The Jade Stoa (Extreme)Southern Front Lockbox / Zadnor Lockbox
525 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.2
Festival Of The Hunt (Endwalker)
1,000 Trophy Crystals
550 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.1
Capybara Pup 560 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.4
Fenrir Pup
Crystalline Conflict: Random Drop
560 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.2
Gates Of Paradise - The Garden Of Ru'Hmet
Hydatos Lockbox
589 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.5
Lost In The Deep 599 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.0
Where All Roads Lead
The Heroes' GauntletEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
599 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.3
Tiny Bulb
The Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackTimeworn Toadskin MapThe Aquapolis
600 Famfrit 2025-03-24 2.1
Unbroken Vessels 699 Famfrit 2025-03-24 7.1
Paissa Brat
Timeworn Dragonskin MapThe AquapolisThe Palace of the Dead - Bronze Sack800 Skybuilders' Scrips
749 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.1
Hubris 789 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.25
Cracks In The Wall 800 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.3
Harmony 800 Behemoth 2025-03-23 4.45
Old Wounds 820 Lamia 2025-03-23 4.45
Crafted by Alchemist - Sastasha (Hard)Heaven-on-High - Gold Sack
825 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.25
The Scars Of Battle 887 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.25
Dáinsleif F1
Southern Front Lockbox
890 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.35
Unbending Steel 900 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.5
Bozjan Barding
Zadnor Lockbox
900 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.55
Mummy's Little Mummy
The Sunken Temple Of Qarn (Hard)The Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackThe Aquapolis
900 Excalibur 2025-03-24 2.4
Far From Home
The Drowned City Of SkallaHeaven-on-High - Platinum Sack
950 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.1
Ivon Coeurlfist Doll 954 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.0
Sohm AlThe Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackThe AquapolisKupo of FortuneFête Present
960 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.0
Wind-up Estinien
1 Khloe's Bronze Certificate of Commendation
960 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.5
Gold Rush Minecart
FATE "On Dangerous Ground" - The Sea of Clouds
985 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.0
The Grand Cosmos
The Grand CosmosEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
994 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.1
Dress-up Alisaie
1 Khloe's Bronze Certificate of Commendation
998 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.4
Infant Imp
FATE "Go, Go, Gorgimera" - Northern Thanalan
998 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.0
Liquid Flame
FATE "Never Say Daimyo" - The Ruby Sea
1,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.0
Scanning For Style 1,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.5
A Light In The Storm
Crafted by Alchemist - Pharos SiriusHeaven-on-High - Gold Sack
1,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.25
Giving Chase (Zodiac Age Version)
Delubrum Reginae
1,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.45
Freshly Glazed Porxie
Matoya's RelictEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
1,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.4
Apologies 1,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.3
The Aetherial Sea
The AitiascopeEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
1,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.0
Gravel Golem 1,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 2.0
The Mystery Of Giruvegan 1,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.3
Troian Beauty (Endwalker)
The Fell Court Of TroiaEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
1,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.2
Dress-up Thancred
1 Khloe's Bronze Certificate of Commendation
1,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.4
Seven Flames
Paglth'anEureka Orthos - Silver Sack
1,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.5
Thunder Rolls 1,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.4
Wind-up Garuda
Heaven-on-High - Gold/Platinum SackCrafted by Weaver - The Howling Eye (Hard)
1,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.2
Minute Mindflayer
Field Exploration XIIIHighland Exploration XIIIWaterside Exploration XIIIThe Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackThe Aquapolis
1,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.2
Clockwork Barrow
Crafted by CarpenterKupo of Fortune
1,060 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.0
Imagination 1,110 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.25
The Wanderer's Palace (Hard)Kupo of FortuneFête Present
1,150 Behemoth 2025-03-23 4.4
A Risky Bet 1,150 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.05
The Hand That Gives The Rose 1,150 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.5
Down The Up Staircase
Crafted by Alchemist - The AntitowerHeaven-on-High - Gold/Platinum Sack
1,150 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.25
Gates Of The Moon 1,173 Leviathan 2025-03-23 4.3
Apoplexy 1,300 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.3
Waterside Exploration XVIII and XIXHeaven-on-High - Silver Sack
1,300 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.0
The Lost City Of Amdapor (Hard)Heaven-on-High - Silver/Gold SackKupo of FortuneFête Present
1,399 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.2
Another Round 1,400 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.25
Auriana - Mor Dhona - 500 Allagan Tomestones of PoeticsRowena's Representative - Gridania/Ul'dah/Limsa Lominsa - 500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
1,494 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.4
Eat Apple
Kupo of Fortune
1,495 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.41
The AntitowerFATE "Creepy Doll" - Eureka Pyros
1,500 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.2
A Battle Decisively 1,500 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.4
Baby Opo-opo
Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)The Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackThe Aquapolis
1,500 Excalibur 2025-03-24 2.2
Baby Brachiosaur
Heaven-on-High - Silver Sack800 Skybuilders' Scrips
1,515 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.55b
Antelope Stag
Fête Present30 Fête Tokens
1,700 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.5
Horizons Calling
Hullbreaker IsleHeaven-on-High - Platinum Sack
1,890 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.3
Out Of The Labyrinth 1,940 Exodus 2025-03-24 3.25
Blind To The Dark 1,944 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.25
Faith In Her Fury
Kupo of Fortune
1,969 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.41
Cornerstone Of The New World - Astera
Smithy - Kugane - 10 Rathalos Scales
1,999 Leviathan 2025-03-23 4.36
Flash Of Steel 2,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.3
Eggplant Knight
2,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 2.3
Battle-ready Bobs 2,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.5
Baelsar's WallKupo of FortuneFête Present
2,045 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.5
Clockwork Novus D
Field Exploration XXVIII
2,060 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.1
Wind-up Dullahan 2,060 Ultros 2025-03-24 2.0
The Map Unfolds
Alzadaal's LegacyEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
2,133 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.1
From Mud
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)Eureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
2,150 Famfrit 2025-03-23 4.4
The Black Wolf Stalks Again 2,222 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.4
Field Exploration XXVI - XXVIII
2,299 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.0
Down Where Daemons Dwell 2,340 Behemoth 2025-03-23 4.2
Hope Forgotten 2,399 Excalibur 2025-03-23 4.45
Pathmaker 2,495 Famfrit 2025-03-24 7.05
Kingdom Of Baron (Endwalker) 2,500 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.5
Weatherproof Gaelicat
Kupo of Fortune
2,588 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.31
Floundering In The Depths
Anamnesis AnyderEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
2,650 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.2
The Promise Of Plunder
Eureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
2,699 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.35
Onion Prince
2,900 Famfrit 2025-03-24 2.3
Infinity 2,900 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.5
Baby Raptor
Boughbury Trader - Redbelly Hive (South Shroud) - 2,400 Gil (Requires FATE "Clearing the Hive")
2,998 Leviathan 2025-03-24 2.0
The Sochen Cave Palace (Zodiac Age Version)
Delubrum Reginae
2,999 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.45
Frontiers Within
Auriana - Mor Dhona - 500 Allagan Tomestones of PoeticsRowena's Representative - Gridania/Ul'dah/Limsa Lominsa - 500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
3,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.5
Aftermath 3,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.1
Wind-up Qiqirn 3,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.0
Iron Dwarf 3,055 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.0
Beyond The Wall
FATE "The Evil Seed" - The Fringes
3,125 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.0
Blessings On The Bluffs 3,145 Exodus 2025-03-24 7.0
The Stone Remembers 3,440 Exodus 2025-03-23 4.45
Model Vanguard 3,498 Exodus 2025-03-24 2.0
Kiss Of Chaos
Leandryne (Gridania), Fowke (Ul'dah) or Syznthota (Limsa Lominsa) - 1,000 Gil
3,600 Famfrit 2025-03-22 6.4
Tiny Tapir
Field Exploration XIV, XV, XIX
3,660 Excalibur 2025-03-24 2.3
Parting Ways
Heaven-on-High - Silver Sack
3,700 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.35
Tiny Rat
Chachamun - Highbridge (Eastern Thanalan) - 2,400 Gil (Requires FATE "Attack on Highbridge: Act III")
3,850 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.0
Oblivion 3,890 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.4
Revenge Of The Horde 3,894 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.3
Garlic Jester
3,980 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.3
Fiend 3,989 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.25
Painted Skies
Kupo of Fortune
3,995 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.41
Limitless Blue 3,998 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.5
Rhythm Of The Realm 3,999 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.3
Wind-up Aldgoat 4,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 2.0
Magic Broom
Crafted by CarpenterKupo of Fortune
4,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 2.2
Deep Blue 4,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.3
Leandryne (Gridania), Fowke (Ul'dah) or Syznthota (Limsa Lominsa) - 1,000 Gil
4,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.4
Leandryne (Gridania), Fowke (Ul'dah) or Syznthota (Limsa Lominsa) - 1,000 Gil
4,140 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.4
Equilibrium 4,550 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.4
Savage Of The Ancient Forest
Smithy - Kugane - 10 Rathalos Scales
4,700 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.36
Woodland Exploration XIV - XVIII
4,798 Famfrit 2025-03-24 2.4
The Fractal ContinuumThe AquapolisThe Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackFête Present
4,800 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.0
Baby Bat
Junkmonger Nonoroon - Poor Maid's Mill (Upper La Noscea) - 2,400 Gil (Requires FATE "Poor Maid's Misfortune")
4,800 Leviathan 2025-03-24 2.0
Kupo of Fortune
4,890 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.41
Sharksucker-class Insubmersible
Subaquatic Voyages - The Southern Charnel Trench, The Central Charnel Trench, Sea of Ash 4...Zadnor Lockbox
4,959 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.05
Forbidden Land (Endwalker)
Eureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
4,992 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.35
Upon The Rocks
Pharos Sirius (Hard)Kupo of FortuneFête Present
4,997 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.4
Sacred Bonds
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
4,999 Excalibur 2025-03-23 6.3
Tiny Tortoise 4,999 Behemoth 2025-03-24 2.0
The Queen Awakens
Delubrum Reginae
4,999 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.45
Deception 5,000 Behemoth 2025-03-23 4.1
Leandryne (Gridania), Fowke (Ul'dah) or Syznthota (Limsa Lominsa) - 1,000 Gil
5,000 Exodus 2025-03-21 6.4
Blade's Exaltation
Ryubool Ja - Tuliyollal - 300 Sacks of Nuts
5,000 Famfrit 2025-03-23 7.0
Sunrise 5,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.4
Wanderer's Campfire 5,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.5
Leandryne (Gridania), Fowke (Ul'dah) or Syznthota (Limsa Lominsa) - 1,000 Gil
5,000 Behemoth 2025-03-22 6.4
Wind-up Illuminatus 5,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.1
Heroes 5,498 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.25
Return Of The Hero
Leandryne (Gridania), Fowke (Ul'dah) or Syznthota (Limsa Lominsa) - 1,000 Gil
5,799 Famfrit 2025-03-23 6.4
Songs Of Salt And Suffering 5,810 Excalibur 2025-03-23 4.1
Tomato King
5,850 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.3
Invincible 5,900 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.1
Ugly Duckling
NeverreapThe Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackThe AquapolisKupo of FortuneFête Present
5,998 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.0
A Pall Most Murderous
The Ghimlyt DarkEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
5,999 Famfrit 2025-03-23 4.45
Battle On The Big Bridge 6,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.3
Anatomy Of Existence 6,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.0
Hunger 6,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.25
Hedgehoglet 6,058 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.45
Endcaller 6,098 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.0
Good King Moggle Mog XII 6,150 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.3
Wreck To The Seaman 6,150 Famfrit 2025-03-23 3.3
Ominous Prognisticks
Hismena - Idyllshire - 375 Allagan Tomestones of PoeticsRowena's Representative - Ishgard - 375 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
6,200 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.3
Fallen Angel 6,390 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.25
Model Magitek Bit 6,489 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.5
Now I Know The Truth 6,500 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.25
The Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackTimeworn Peisteskin MapTimeworn Dragonskin MapThe Aquapolis
6,500 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.1
Armadillo Bowler
Malikah's WellEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
6,647 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.0
From The Heavens
Eschina - Rhalgr's Reach - 2 Alphascape Bolts
6,900 Famfrit 2025-03-23 4.4
Woe That Is Madness 6,968 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.5
Nana Bear 6,999 Ultros 2025-03-24 2.4
On High 7,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 4.1
Eureka Hydatos - Moisture-warped Lockbox
7,136 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.5
Pennons Aloft
Subaquatic Voyages - The Floral Reef, East Dodie's Abyss
7,150 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.5
Chapel Bell
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
7,383 Exodus 2025-03-22 4.2
Tinkerer's Treasure Trove
Subaquatic Voyages - West Dodie's Abyss, South Indigo Deep 1
7,400 Exodus 2025-03-24 7.0
Leandryne (Gridania), Fowke (Ul'dah) or Syznthota (Limsa Lominsa) - 1,000 Gil
7,499 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.4
Hard To Miss
Subaquatic Voyages - Tangaroa's Prow, Sea of Jade 6
7,500 Hyperion 2025-03-23 5.3
Ambient Waves
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
7,550 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.0
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
7,550 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.2
Final, Not Final
Eschina - Rhalgr's Reach - 2 Deltascape Bolts
7,739 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.4
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
7,801 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.5
Leandryne (Gridania), Fowke (Ul'dah) or Syznthota (Limsa Lominsa) - 1,000 Gil
7,898 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.4
Fragments Of Forever
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
7,899 Exodus 2025-03-23 4.2
Born To Ride
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
7,950 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.2
Starlight And Sellswords
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
7,950 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.1
Tumbling Down 7,974 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.25
From Fear To Fortitude
Subaquatic Voyages - Wingsreach, West Dodie's Abyss
7,999 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.5
Private Pachypodium
Eureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
8,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.35
Behind Closed Doors
Maisenta (Gridania) / Roarich (Ul'dah) / Bango Zango (Limsa Lominsa) - 5,000 Gil
8,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.4
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
8,001 Hyperion 2025-03-23 6.3
Subaquatic Voyages - Coldtoe Isle, The Open Robe, The Stone Barbs...Eureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
8,060 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.1
Where The Heart Is
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
8,201 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.4
Beauty's Wicked Wiles 8,388 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.0
Wayward Daughter 8,399 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.3
Babbling Brook
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
8,493 Exodus 2025-03-23 4.2
Ambient Bonfire
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
8,501 Hyperion 2025-03-23 4.1
Bustling Boulevard
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
8,501 Hyperion 2025-03-22 4.2
Insanity 8,520 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.0
Petit Pteranodon
Kupo of Fortune
8,800 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.31
A Land Long Dead
The BurnEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
8,800 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.4
Starsbreath 8,880 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.4
Hismena - Idyllshire - 375 Allagan Tomestones of PoeticsRowena's Representative - Ishgard - 375 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
8,993 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.25
In The Arms Of War 8,997 Leviathan 2025-03-23 5.5
Ultima (The Primals) 8,999 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.2
Carrots Of Happiness
SmiletonEureka Orthos - Gold Sack
9,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.0
Roads Forsaken
Timeworn Br'aaxskin Map
9,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.0
Victory Or Death
Junkmonger - The Doman Enclave - 5,000 Gil
9,051 Famfrit 2025-03-23 4.3
Ambient Wind Chime
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
9,250 Hyperion 2025-03-22 4.3
Temple Bell
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
9,250 Hyperion 2025-03-22 4.2
Ambient Insects
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
9,550 Hyperion 2025-03-23 4.1
Plush Cushion
Crafted by WeaverKupo of FortuneFête Present
9,860 Excalibur 2025-03-24 2.2
Earth, Wind, And Water
The Swallow's CompassEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
9,900 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.3
Fleeting Rays
Chachamun - Highbridge (Eastern Thanalan) - 5,000 Gil (Requires FATE "Attack on Highbridge: Act III")
9,900 Exodus 2025-03-24 3.5
Ambient Rainfall
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
9,939 Exodus 2025-03-23 4.0
Crystal Rain
Eureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
9,940 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.35
Through The Maelstrom 9,987 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.3
The Qitana RavelZadnor LockboxEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
9,998 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.0
The Skyruin 9,998 Exodus 2025-03-24 7.0
FINAL FANTASY IV: Battle 2 (Endwalker) 9,999 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.2
To The Sun
Roarich - Ul'dah - 5,000 Gil
10,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.3
Junkmonger - The Doman Enclave - 5,000 Gil (Requires Quest "Lighting the Way")
10,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.4
Flying Chair 10,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.1
Favor 10,000 Leviathan 2025-03-23 6.3
Mandragora Queen
10,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.3
Your Answer 10,025 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.0
Mystic Weapon
Field Exploration XXVEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
10,760 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.1
By Design
Subaquatic Voyages - Sea of Jade 5, Mastbound's Bounty, Sirensong Sea 3...
10,950 Hyperion 2025-03-23 5.5
Eternal Wind 10,997 Exodus 2025-03-24 3.25
Lesser Panda
The AeryThe Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackThe Aquapolis150 Faux Leaves
11,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.0
Gigantpole 11,110 Ultros 2025-03-24 2.0
Dancing Mad - Movement III 11,500 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.4
Dancing Mad - Movement II 11,550 Leviathan 2025-03-23 4.4
The Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackUnhidden Leather MapThe AquapolisFête Present
11,998 Leviathan 2025-03-24 2.3
Forgotten By The Sun 12,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.3
Into The Fortress (Zodiac Age Version)
Castrum Lacus Litore (The Bozjan Southern Front)
13,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.35
Under The Weight 13,045 Famfrit 2025-03-23 3.25
Mortal Instants
AmaurotEureka Orthos - Silver Sack
13,100 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.0
Dancing Mad - Movement IV
Eschina - Rhalgr's Reach - 2 Sigmascape Bolts
13,284 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.4
Painted Foothills 13,500 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.25
The Waking Sands
Haneko Burneko - The Waking Sands (Western Thanalan) - 5,000 Gil
13,975 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.25
From The Dragon's Wake 13,990 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.45
Little Leannan
The Grand CosmosEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
13,990 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.1
A Thousand Faces
Hismena - Idyllshire - 375 Allagan Tomestones of PoeticsRowena's Representative - Ishgard - 375 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
14,000 Excalibur 2025-03-23 3.5
Hismena - Idyllshire - 375 Allagan Tomestones of PoeticsRowena's Representative - Ishgard - 375 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
14,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.5
Junkmonger - Idyllshire - 5,000 Gil
14,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 3.4
A Fierce Air Forceth
10,000 Wolf Marks
14,444 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.15
What Angel Wakes Me 14,449 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.0
Simple Spectacles
Maisenta (Gridania) / Roarich (Ul'dah) / Bango Zango (Limsa Lominsa) - 3,000 Gil
14,799 Ultros 2025-03-23 7.0
Teardrops In The Rain
Hismena - Idyllshire - 375 Allagan Tomestones of PoeticsRowena's Representative - Ishgard - 375 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
14,889 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.5
Wailers And Waterwheels
Maisenta - Gridania - 5,000 Gil
14,990 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.25
Ambient Cricketsong
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
14,992 Exodus 2025-03-23 4.0
Ambient Kitchen
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
14,992 Exodus 2025-03-23 4.1
Ambient Birdsong
Housing Merchant - Any Residential Area - 5,000 Gil
14,994 Exodus 2025-03-23 4.0
Wrath Of The Harrier
Zadnor - The Dalriada
14,995 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.55
Atrophied Atomos 14,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.0
Revelation 14,999 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.0
J'lakshai (Old Sharlayan) / Wilmetta (Radz-at-Han) - 300 Sacks of Nuts
15,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.0
Six Fulms Under
Hismena - Idyllshire - 375 Allagan Tomestones of PoeticsRowena's Representative - Ishgard - 375 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
15,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.5
Horde Barding
Crafted by Leatherworker - The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's RageHeaven-on-High - Silver SackFête PresentZadnor Lockbox
15,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.3
A New Hope
Roarich - Ul'dah - 5,000 Gil
15,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 3.25
Frine - Ishgard - 5,000 Gil
15,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 3.25
I Am The Sea
Bango Zango - Limsa Lominsa - 5,000 Gil
15,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 3.25
Maisenta - Gridania - 5,000 Gil
15,000 Famfrit 2025-03-23 3.3
Dance Of The Fireflies
Maisenta - Gridania - 5,000 Gil
15,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 3.3
Sultana Dreaming
Roarich - Ul'dah - 5,000 Gil
15,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 3.3
The Only Path 15,498 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.25
Levin Barding
Crafted by Leatherworker - The Striking Tree (Extreme)Heaven-on-High - Silver SackFête Present
15,500 Leviathan 2025-03-24 2.3
Wind-up Tonberry
The Palace of the Dead - Bronze SackTimeworn Boarskin MapThe Aquapolis
15,789 Hyperion 2025-03-24 2.1
Finality 15,988 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.05
Nightbloom 15,997 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.3
Dedicated To Moonlight 16,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.3
Doing The Wave 16,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 7.1
Hive Barding
Crafted by Armorer - Thok ast Thok (Extreme)Heaven-on-High - Silver SackFête PresentZadnor Lockbox
16,497 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.0
The Maker's Ruin 16,899 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.25
Wind-up Grebuloff
Highland Exploration XXVI - XXVIII
16,960 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.0
A Sailor Never Sleeps
Bango Zango - Limsa Lominsa - 5,000 Gil
17,494 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.3
On Westerly Winds
Bango Zango - Limsa Lominsa - 5,000 Gil
17,495 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.3
To The Edge 17,800 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.3
Dancing Mad - Movement I 17,800 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.4
Sophic Barding
Crafted by Goldsmith - Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)Heaven-on-High - Silver SackFête PresentZadnor Lockbox
18,001 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.4
Black Hayate
Holminster SwitchEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
18,498 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.0
The Corpse Hall 18,750 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.5
He Rises Above
Enna (Rhalgr's Reach) / Rowena's Representative (Kugane) - 1,600 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
18,850 Excalibur 2025-03-23 4.2
Battle With The Four Fiends (Buried Memory) 18,990 Lamia 2025-03-24 6.2
Syldrion-class Insubmersible
Subaquatic Voyages - Sea of Jade 4, Wyrm's Rest, Seafoam Tide
18,999 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.4
On Blade's Edge
Timeworn Kumbhiraskin/Ophiotauroskin Map
19,500 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.05
Paissa Patissier
Kupo of Fortune
19,900 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.21
Seeking Purpose 19,950 Famfrit 2025-03-24 7.0
Fair Winds To Guide 19,950 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.5
Fist Pump
Moisture-warped Lockbox - Eureka Hydatos
19,999 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.5
The Mushroomery
Junkmonger - Matoya's Cave (The Dravanian Hinterlands) - 5,000 Gil
19,999 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.3
Zurvanite Barding
Crafted by Armorer - Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)Heaven-on-High - Silver SackFête PresentZadnor Lockbox
20,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.5
Black And White 20,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.3
A Fine Air Forbiddeth
10,000 Wolf Marks
20,999 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.15
On Windy Meadows
The AquapolisTimeworn Wyvernskin Map
21,150 Hyperion 2025-03-23 3.3
Rival Wings
10,000 Wolf Marks
21,900 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.2
Maisenta (Gridania) / Roarich (Ul'dah) / Bango Zango (Limsa Lominsa) - 3,000 Gil
21,989 Lamia 2025-03-23 7.0
Expanse Barding
Crafted by Armorer - Limitless Blue (Extreme)Heaven-on-High - Silver SackFête PresentZadnor Lockbox
21,990 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.0
Court Jesters (Dawntrail) 21,990 Excalibur 2025-03-24 7.0
Traveling Merchant - Tailfeather (The Dravanian Forelands) - 5,000 Gil
21,999 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.3
Unmatching Pieces 21,999 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.4
Night In The Brume
Frine - Ishgard - 5,000 Gil
21,999 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.4
Nobility Sleeps
Frine - Ishgard - 5,000 Gil
21,999 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.4
Nobility Obliges
Frine - Ishgard - 5,000 Gil
22,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.3
Landlords 22,221 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.3
Wind-up Magus Sisters 22,222 Lamia 2025-03-24 6.0
Confirm 22,249 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.4
Their Deadly Mission
The Temple Of The FistHeaven-on-High - Platinum Sack
22,500 Excalibur 2025-03-23 4.2
Course Uncharted 22,800 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.5
Birds Of Prey
10,000 Wolf Marks
23,998 Exodus 2025-03-24 4.15
Greener Gleaner
Woodland Exploration XXVI - XXVIII
24,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.0
Merchant & Melder - Aleport (Western La Noscea) - 5,000 Gil
24,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.5
Missing Pages 24,150 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.3
Against The Wind 24,497 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.3
Forged In Crimson 24,993 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.3
Ambient Abyss 24,995 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.3
A Better Tomorrow
The Dungeons Of Lyhe GhiahTimeworn Gliderskin/Zonureskin Map
25,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.5
Voidcast Savior 25,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.4
Assassin Fry
Desynthesize a Ninja Betta
26,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 2.4
A Mother's Pride
The Hidden Canals Of UznairTimeworn Gaganaskin Map
26,149 Exodus 2025-03-24 4.2
Unbreakable (Duality)
The Fractal Continuum (Hard)Heaven-on-High - Gold Sack
26,150 Ultros 2025-03-23 4.2
Sephirotic Barding
Crafted by Leatherworker - Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)Heaven-on-High - Silver SackFête PresentZadnor Lockbox
27,495 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.2
Steam-powered Gobwalker G-VII 28,900 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.01
Liberty Or Death 28,949 Leviathan 2025-03-23 4.2
Calamari 28,999 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.3
Cast Stones In Shadow 28,999 Excalibur 2025-03-24 7.1
Decisions (Omega) 29,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.4
Tidal Barding
Crafted by Armorer - The Whorleater (Extreme)Heaven-on-High - Silver SackFête Present
29,439 Behemoth 2025-03-24 2.2
Twilight Over Thanalan
The AquapolisTimeworn Wyvernskin Map
29,989 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.3
Answer On High 29,991 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.2
Battle 29,999 Exodus 2025-03-24 4.4
Myths Of The Realm 29,999 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.5
Seiryu Barding
Crafted by Armorer - The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme)Southern Front Lockbox / Zadnor LockboxEureka Orthos - Bronze Sack
30,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.45
Wring Hands
Zadnor Lockbox
30,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.55
It Takes Two
Timeworn Br'aaxskin Map
30,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 7.0
Thicker Than A Knife's Blade
Ardolain - The Forgotten Knight (Ishgard) - 300 Centurio Seals
30,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.5
Blissful Barding
Crafted by Goldsmith - Emanation (Extreme)Heaven-on-High - Silver SackZadnor Lockbox
30,001 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.0
Subterranean Drop
Subaquatic Voyages - East Dodie's Abyss, Rainbringer Rift
30,150 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.0
Skylords 30,800 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.0
Plum Paper Parasol
Subaquatic Voyages - Rogo-Tumu-Here's Repose, Bladefall Chasm, Thrall's Unrest...
30,993 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.3
Everywhere And Nowhere 31,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.4
Reveler's Barding
Crafted by Armorer - The Pool of Tribute (Extreme)Heaven-on-High - Silver SackZadnor Lockbox
31,999 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.0
Crimson Sunset
The Hidden Canals Of UznairTimeworn Gaganaskin Map
33,331 Behemoth 2025-03-23 4.2
Close To The Heavens 33,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.4
From The Ashes 34,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.25
Fat Cat
Waterside Exploration XIV - XXV
34,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 2.4
Highland Barding 34,294 Exodus 2025-03-24 3.0
Save The Princess
Delubrum Reginae (Savage)
35,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.45
Goggle-eyed Dogu
Subaquatic Voyages - The Lilac Sea 2, Wingsreach
35,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.4
Xylle (The Crystarium) / Ilfroy (Eulmore) - 300 Sacks of Nuts
35,000 Behemoth 2025-03-23 5.0
Enna (Rhalgr's Reach) / Rowena's Representative (Kugane) - 1,600 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
35,000 Excalibur 2025-03-23 4.1
Blue Blossom Parasol
Subaquatic Voyages - Thrall's Unrest, Anthemoessa Undertow, Drifter's Decay...
38,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.1
The Edge
Merchant & Mender - Wineport (Eastern La Noscea) - 5,000 Gil
38,822 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.0
Ice Barding 38,919 Behemoth 2025-03-24 2.4
Lost In The Clouds 38,997 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.25
Westward Tide
Enna (Rhalgr's Reach) / Rowena's Representative (Kugane) - 1,600 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics
39,000 Excalibur 2025-03-23 4.2
Silver Dasher
Subaquatic Voyages - The Open Robe, Rogo-Tumu-Here's Haunt, The Devil's Crypt...
39,885 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.2
White Stone Black 39,888 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.2
Wind-up Kangaroo
Highland Exploration XXVIII
39,960 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.1
Dangertek 40,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.3
Subaquatic Voyages - Moergynn's Forge, Sea of Jade 6
40,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.4
A Victory Fanfare Reborn 40,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.3
Drowning In The Horizon
Leuekin (Rhalgr's Reach) / Estrild (Kugane) - 300 Centurio Seals
40,000 Behemoth 2025-03-23 4.0
Thunderer 40,150 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.25
Blinding Indigo 42,990 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.01
Dangerous Words
The Dungeons Of Lyhe GhiahTimeworn Gliderskin Map
43,900 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.4
Forgiven Hate 44,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.0
Sungold Talos 44,050 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.2
Like A Summer Rain 44,985 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.1
Orthodox Barding 47,120 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.0
Navigator's Glory - The Theme Of Limsa Lominsa
The Lost Canals Of UznairThe Hidden Canals Of UznairTimeworn Gaganaskin MapFête Present
47,500 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.05
Tomorrow And Tomorrow - Reprise
The Dungeons Of Lyhe GhiahTimeworn Gliderskin/Zonureskin Map
48,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.4
On Our Fates Alight
The Dungeons Of Lyhe GhiahTimeworn Gliderskin Map
48,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.2
Dreams Aloft
Subaquatic Voyages - The Crystal Font, Fortune's Ford
48,499 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.3
Amatsu Kaze 49,500 Exodus 2025-03-23 4.2
The Gold Whisker 49,993 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.2
Wind-up Fuath 49,998 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.05
Okuri Chochin 49,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.45
The Silent Regard Of Stars 49,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.0
A Long Fall
The TwinningEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
49,999 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.0
Honeysuckler 49,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 7.05
Speaking Stone 49,999 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.0
Bacon Bits
Woodland Exploration XXVEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
50,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.1
Ultima's Perfection 50,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.45
The Final Day 50,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.1
Yukinko Snowflake
Hydatos LockboxMoisture-warped Lockbox - Eureka Hydatos
50,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.5
The Dungeons Of Lyhe GhiahTimeworn Gliderskin/Zonureskin Map
50,000 Ultros 2025-03-23 5.05
Samsonian Locks
The Palace of the Dead - Bronze/Iron/Silver Sack
51,500 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.4
Paissa Threadpuller
Kupo of Fortune
53,995 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.21
Ripples In The Sea
Storm Quartermaster - Limsa Lominsa - 40,000 Storm Seals
53,999 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.2
Ambitious Ends
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 6 Rokkon Potsherds
55,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.45
Starved 55,688 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.25
White Lace Parasol 58,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.1
Magitek Predator F1
Paglth'anEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
58,900 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.5
Subaquatic Voyages - Bloodbreak, The Lilac Sea 2, The Fluttering Bay
59,900 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.3
Eternal Wind (Shadowbringers) 59,990 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.3
Shadows Withal
Akadaemia AnyderEureka Orthos - Silver/Gold Sack
59,994 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.0
Island Peerifool
Sanctuary Materiel Container
59,998 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.5
The Sands' Secrets
Flame Quartermaster - Ul'dah - 40,000 Flame Seals
60,000 Exodus 2025-03-23 6.2
A Man Consumed 60,001 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.45
Tiny Echevore
Dohn MhegEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
60,060 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.0
Force Your Way (Shadowbringers) 61,250 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.01
Rise Of The White Raven 64,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 3.25
Blood For Blood 64,970 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.25
Kuromaru 64,999 Lamia 2025-03-24 6.45
Order Yet Undeciphered
Enie - The Firmament - 600 Skybuilders' Scrips
67,998 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.21
Innocence Barding 68,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.0
Ribboned Parasol 68,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 7.05
Royal Lunatender 68,500 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.05
Rose-colored Spectacles
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 3 Rokkon Potsherds
68,986 Lamia 2025-03-24 7.0
Antipyretic 69,750 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.45
Air-wheeler M9 69,994 Behemoth 2025-03-24 7.0
Petit Punutiy 69,999 Lamia 2025-03-24 7.0
The Worm's Tail 70,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.1
Adventure Basket 70,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.0
The Bold And The Braid
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 6 Aloalo Potsherds
70,994 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.51
Barding Of Eternal Darkness 71,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.0
Stone And Steel
Enie - The Firmament - 600 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
72,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.21
Pressure (No. 1) 72,999 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.45
Into The Adder's Den
Serpent Quartermaster - Gridania - 40,000 Serpent Seals
74,799 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.2
Dewdrops & Moonbeams
Serpent Quartermaster - Gridania - 40,000 Serpent Seals
74,799 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.2
Emerald Barding 74,991 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.4
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 9 Sil'dihn Potsherds
75,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.25
Whisper Of The Land
The AquapolisTimeworn Wyvernskin Map
75,000 Behemoth 2025-03-23 3.3
Blasphemous Experiment
E-Una-Kotor - Quarrymill (South Shroud) - 1 Gelmorran Potsherd
75,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.45
Rororrlo Teh 75,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 7.0
The Hall Of Flames
Flame Quartermaster - Ul'dah - 40,000 Flame Seals
75,980 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.2
Born Of The Boughs - The Theme Of Gridania
The Lost Canals Of UznairThe Hidden Canals Of UznairTimeworn Gaganaskin MapFête Present
77,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 4.05
Maelstrom Command
Storm Quartermaster - Limsa Lominsa - 40,000 Storm Seals
77,980 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.2
Statice's Wings
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 3 Aloalo Potsherds
77,998 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.51
Shinryu Barding 77,999 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.1
Diamond Barding 79,001 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.5
Breaking Boundaries
The AquapolisTimeworn Wyvernskin Map
79,998 Exodus 2025-03-24 3.5
Repulu 79,999 Hyperion 2025-03-23 6.51
Electrope Barding 80,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.0
Paradise Found
Enie - The Firmament - 600 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
83,849 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.21
Twice Stricken 84,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.2
Suzaku Barding
Crafted by Armorer - Hells' Kier (Extreme)Southern Front Lockbox / Zadnor LockboxEureka Orthos - Bronze Sack
88,998 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.4
The Worm's Head 89,999 Hyperion 2025-03-24 4.1
Cat Eye Glasses 90,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 7.1
Spoils Collector - 1 Iron Voyage Spoil (from sector Sea of Clouds 24)
92,999 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.2
Shshuye 94,980 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.1
Under The Stars 95,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.45
Byakko Barding
Crafted by Goldsmith - The Jade Stoa (Extreme)Southern Front Lockbox / Zadnor Lockbox
97,994 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.2
One Amongst The Weary 97,998 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.4
With Hearts Aligned 98,149 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.1
Answers 98,900 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.25
Allagan Barding
Eureka Orthos - Any Sack
99,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.35
Mikra Lyssa 99,800 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.4
Abigail Barding
The Palace of the Dead - Silver/Gold Sack
99,900 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.4
The Lawnblazer 99,998 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.1
Wind-up Golbez 99,999 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.5
Enie - The Firmament - 600 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
99,999 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.21
Humble Triumph
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 9 Aloalo Potsherds
99,999 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.51
Amber Trader - Ishgard - 3 Amber-encased Vilekin
99,999 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.25
Engage 100,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.3
Paved With Resolve 100,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.1
Woodland Exploration XXVIII
100,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.1
Heat-warped Lockbox - Eureka Pyros
104,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.45
Prim Dot Parasol
Pixie Hoarder - Lydha Lran (Il Mheg) - 100,000 Gil
105,271 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.4
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 9 Rokkon Potsherds
108,899 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.45
Sponge Silkie 108,995 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.25
Waterside Exploration XXV
109,987 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.1
Subaquatic Voyages - The Central Blue
110,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.1
Skyruin Barding 110,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.0
Paved In Solitude 114,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 7.1
Crabe De La Crabe
Waterside Exploration XXVI - XXVIII
115,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.0
Puffin 118,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.4
Beneath Bloodied Banners 118,000 Lamia 2025-03-23 4.4
Holy Consult 119,998 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.3
Gabriel Α
Southern Front Lockbox
120,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.35
Ultima's Perfection (Endwalker) 123,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.4
Cheerful Checkered Parasol
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
124,998 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.31
The Twin Faces Of Fate - The Theme Of Ul'dah
The Lost Canals Of UznairThe Hidden Canals Of UznairTimeworn Gaganaskin MapFête Present
125,000 Exodus 2025-03-23 4.05
Calamity Unbound
The AquapolisTimeworn Wyvernskin Map
134,990 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.4
Ruby Barding 134,999 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.2
Break Fast
900 Skybuilders' Scrips
137,999 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.21
Kupo of Fortune
139,800 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.21
Hippo Calf
VanaspatiEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
142,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.0
Blue-footed Booby
Waterside Exploration XXVIII
144,997 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.1
Bantam Train 145,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.3
Benben Stone
Subaquatic Voyages - The Devil's Crypt, Magos Trench
148,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.5
Sky Blue Parasol
900 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
148,989 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.21
Wind-up Scarmiglione 149,999 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.2
Vermilion Paper Parasol
Tokohana - Kugane - 100,000 Gil
150,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.3
The AquapolisTimeworn Wyvernskin Map
150,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.4
Wind-up Hobgoblin
Highland Exploration XXV
150,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.1
Lunar Barding
Crafted by Weaver - The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's PainSouthern Front Lockbox / Zadnor LockboxEureka Orthos - Bronze Sack
159,998 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.3
Controlled Chaos
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
160,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.21
Modern Legend
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
160,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.11
Unchanging, Everchanging
Siulmet - Fort Jobb (Lakeland) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 2)
169,000 Hyperion 2025-03-23 5.1
Saintly Style
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
169,995 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.31
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
169,997 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.21
Sabotender Parasol 169,999 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.25
Slim Frame Glasses 175,988 Exodus 2025-03-24 7.1
A Reason To Live
Sul Lad - Lydha Lran (Il Mheg) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 2)
176,000 Ultros 2025-03-23 5.2
Calming Checkered Parasol
900 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
177,777 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.31
When A Tree Falls
Amber Trader - Ishgard - 6 Amber-encased Vilekin
177,777 Lamia 2025-03-24 3.25
600 Skybuilders' Scrips
178,939 Behemoth 2025-03-24 3.55b
Wind-up Anima 179,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.0
Crimson Sunrise 180,000 Famfrit 2025-03-23 4.1
High Five
1,800 Skybuilders' Scrips
185,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.31
The Faerie Ring
Sul Lad - Lydha Lran (Il Mheg) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 2)
187,999 Ultros 2025-03-23 5.1
Heartless 189,550 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.4
True Barding Of Light 189,988 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.3
AmaurotEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
190,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.0
Eat Rice Ball
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
190,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.41
Toco Toquito
Subaquatic Voyages - North Delphinium Seashelf
194,900 Ultros 2025-03-24 7.1
The Ancient City 195,000 Excalibur 2025-03-23 4.3
O Speaker, Slumber
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 9 Aloalo Potsherds
195,000 Leviathan 2025-03-23 6.51
Enie - The Firmament - 600 Skybuilders' Scrips
195,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.31
Enie - The Firmament - 1,200 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
198,996 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.41
Sewer Skink 199,965 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.25
The Mendicant's Relish
Enie - The Firmament - 1,200 Skybuilders' Scrips
199,989 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.21
Sweep Up
1,800 Skybuilders' Scrips
199,990 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.41
Optimus Omicron
The Stigma DreamscapeEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
199,999 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.0
Enie - The Firmament - 1,200 Skybuilders' Scrips
200,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.2
Far East Of Eorzea
Confederate Custodian - Crick (The Ruby Sea) - 10 Empyrean Potsherds
200,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.35
FINAL FANTASY IV: The Final Battle (Endwalker) 208,658 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.5
Abyssal Barding 208,995 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.5
Nature's Bounty
Subaquatic Voyages - The Indigo Shallows
209,990 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.1
The Quick Way
Zumutt - Tomra (Kholusia) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 2)
215,000 Ultros 2025-03-23 5.1
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
218,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.21
Wind-up Cagnazzo 220,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.3
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
226,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.11
Miniature White Knight
1,200 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
227,998 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.11
Looping In The Deepest Fringes
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 9 Rokkon Potsherds
230,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.45
The Heavens' Ward
Enie - The Firmament - 1,200 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
237,997 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.31
A World Apart 249,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 3.25
Enie - The Firmament - 1,200 Skybuilders' Scrips
249,996 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.5
A Father's Pride 250,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 4.1
Machinist Barding
1,200 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
257,001 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.21
The Source
Siulmet - Fort Jobb (Lakeland) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 3)
260,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.0
Flamecloaked Barding 264,991 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.3
Classic Spectacles
Subaquatic Voyages - Anthemoessa, Seafarer's End, Drifter's Decay...
267,999 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.0
Primogenitor 270,000 Exodus 2025-03-23 4.4
Exciting Dynamite 270,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.4
The Red Wings (Endwalker) 272,707 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.5
Landslide 274,000 Lamia 2025-03-23 5.01
Prince Lunatender
SmiletonEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
280,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.0
1,200 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
284,900 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.21
Barding Of Divine Light 288,888 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.0
Early To Rise
Delubrum ReginaeResistance supplier - Zadnor - 5 Bozjan Gold Coins and 30 Bozjan Platinum Coins
290,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.45
What Is Love?
Enie - The Firmament - 1,200 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
290,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.5
50 Bozjan Clusters
292,998 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.45
Form And Function
Happy Bunny Lockbox - Eureka Pyros
296,999 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.45
Pastoral Dot Parasol
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
297,996 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.41
Woodland Exploration XXXI
297,996 Famfrit 2025-03-24 7.0
Safety In Numbers
Enie - The Firmament - 1,200 Skybuilders' Scrips
299,150 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.11
Fierce And Free
Sul Lad - Lydha Lran (Il Mheg) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 3)
299,999 Exodus 2025-03-23 5.0
Both Ways
Zadnor Lockbox
300,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.55
Pleasant Dot Parasol
25 Bozjan Clusters
300,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.45
8,400 Skybuilders' Scrips
300,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.11
Voidcast Barding 308,901 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.4
A World Divided
Zumutt - Tomra (Kholusia) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 3)
309,997 Lamia 2025-03-23 5.0
Uolosapa 319,048 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.51
EScape 319,990 Behemoth 2025-03-24 4.4
1,800 Skybuilders' ScripsFête Present
322,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.21
Sands Of Blood
Halden - Twine (Amh Araeng) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 2)
329,991 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.1
Wind-up Omega-M
1 Khloe's Silver Certificate of Commendation
330,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.0
Hades Barding 338,964 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.1
Teacup Kapikulu 339,999 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.1
Neath Dark Waters
Goushs Ooan - The Ondo Cups (The Tempest) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 2)
340,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.1
Archangel Wings 348,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 6.05
Full Fathom Five
Goushs Ooan - The Ondo Cups (The Tempest) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 3)
350,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.0
Wind-up Omega-F
1 Khloe's Silver Certificate of Commendation
350,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.0
Conditional Virtue
The Baldesion Arsenal (Eureka Hydatos) - Absolute Virtue Chest
350,549 Lamia 2025-03-24 4.5
Bluefeather Barding 354,977 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.1
50 Bozjan Clusters
389,999 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.35
It's Showtime! 393,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 7.01
Embers 393,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.2
Antelope Doe
8,400 Skybuilders' Scrips
395,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.5
Ambrose The Unfinished 397,666 Lamia 2025-03-24 7.0
Tsukumogami Parasol 399,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.45
Brave New Urianger
1 Khloe's Silver Certificate of Commendation
400,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 6.0
Blood On The Wind
Resistance Quartermaster - The Bozjan Southern Front / Zadnor - 25 Bozjan Clusters
400,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.35
Titania Barding 404,040 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.0
Magitek Helldiver F1
Castrum Lacus Litore
419,988 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.35
Albino Karakul
8,400 Skybuilders' Scrips
449,946 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.21
Big Shell
8,400 Skybuilders' Scrips
449,996 Ultros 2025-03-24 5.41
Discord: Imperial (Zodiac Age Version)
Resistance Quartermaster - The Bozjan Southern Front / Zadnor - 25 Bozjan Clusters
449,999 Excalibur 2025-03-22 5.35
A Hopeless Race
Nacille - Fanow (The Rak'tika Greatwood) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 2)
450,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.1
The Forgotten City - Tavnazian Safehold
Peculiar Goblin - Lower Jeuno - 1 Tattered Sheet Music
450,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 7.1
Fighters Of The Crystal
Peculiar Goblin - Lower Jeuno - 1 Tattered Sheet Music
459,999 Excalibur 2025-03-24 7.1
8,400 Skybuilders' Scrips
465,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.31
Windswept Barding 466,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.2
Giant Leaf Parasol 467,997 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.51
Give It All 469,120 Behemoth 2025-03-24 7.01
Clionid Larva
Akadaemia AnyderEureka Orthos - Bronze/Silver Sack
470,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.0
Promises To Keep 479,996 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.4
Ephemeral Necromancer 490,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.3
Castle Zvahl
Peculiar Goblin - Lower Jeuno - 1 Tattered Sheet Music
490,050 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.1
Samurai Barding
Heat-warped Lockbox - Eureka Pyros
496,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.45
Bedlam's Brink
Goushs Ooan - The Ondo Cups (The Tempest) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 2)
499,990 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.2
Wind-up Elvaan
FATE "You Do Know Jack" - Eureka Pyros
500,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 4.45
Scream 500,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.2
Burning Souls 500,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 7.01
Peculiar Goblin - Lower Jeuno - 1 Tattered Sheet Music
500,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 7.1
Wind-up Barbariccia 500,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.4
Pedronille - Eulmore - 350 Bicolor Gemstones
500,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.0
Shadow Lord
Peculiar Goblin - Lower Jeuno - 1 Tattered Sheet Music
500,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.1
Vana'diel March
Peculiar Goblin - Lower Jeuno - 1 Tattered Sheet Music
500,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.1
Tankardtender 524,999 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.0
Primal Angel 548,990 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.2
Depths Of The Soul
Peculiar Goblin - Lower Jeuno - 1 Tattered Sheet Music
549,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 7.1
Battle Theme From FINAL FANTASY XI
Peculiar Goblin - Lower Jeuno - 1 Tattered Sheet Music
549,999 Lamia 2025-03-24 7.1
Nacille - Fanow (The Rak'tika Greatwood) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 3)
550,000 Leviathan 2025-03-23 5.0
Eternal Barding 569,955 Famfrit 2025-03-24 7.1
Ancient One 579,999 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.2
Queen's Guard Barding
Delubrum Reginae
580,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.45
Pedronille - Eulmore - 350 Bicolor Gemstones
600,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.1
Peculiar Goblin - Lower Jeuno - 1 Tattered Sheet Music
600,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.1
Mischief Maker 600,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.0
The Legendary Beast (Shadowbringers) 600,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.4
Battle In The Dungeon #3
Peculiar Goblin - Lower Jeuno - 1 Tattered Sheet Music
615,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 7.1
The Dark Which Illuminates The World
Gramsol - The Crystarium - 350 Bicolor Gemstones
620,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.0
Battle In The Dungeon
Peculiar Goblin - Lower Jeuno - 1 Tattered Sheet Music
649,999 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.1
Knowledge Never Sleeps
Gramsol - The Crystarium - 350 Bicolor Gemstones
657,150 Behemoth 2025-03-23 5.1
Magicked Bed 679,999 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.05
Drippy 686,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.4
Sands Of Amber
Halden - Twine (Amh Araeng) - 350 Bicolor Gemstones (Rank 3)
689,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.0
Hic Svnt Leones 696,969 Lamia 2025-03-24 6.01
Wind-up Mamool Ja
Highland Exploration XXXI
730,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 7.0
No Greater Sorrow
Pedronille - Eulmore - 350 Bicolor Gemstones
743,000 Behemoth 2025-03-23 5.2
Silent Scream 750,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.2
Don't Be Afraid (Shadowbringers) 750,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.4
Fog Of Phantom
E-Una-Kotor - Quarrymill (South Shroud) - 5 Gelmorran Potsherds
773,000 Ultros 2025-03-24 3.45
Construct 14
180 Bozjan Clusters
789,897 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.35
Athena, The Tireless One 901,700 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.4
Ancient Shackles 929,999 Leviathan 2025-03-23 6.01
Gyr Abanian Plait
Heaven-on-High - Silver Sack
930,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.35
O Hunter, Rejoice
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 8 Aloalo Coins
949,999 Famfrit 2025-03-23 6.51
Notice Of Death
E-Una-Kotor - Quarrymill (South Shroud) - 10 Gelmorran Potsherds
979,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 3.45
Island Adenium
200 Vegetal VouchersSanctuary Materiel Container
1,000,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.5
Desert Sun
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 8 Sil'dihn Silvers
1,000,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.25
Wind Caller
150 Bozjan Clusters
1,009,999 Lamia 2025-03-24 5.35
Nesvaaz - Radz-at-Han - 3 Resplendent Feathers (The Excitatron 6000 or The Shifting Gymnasion Agonon)
1,112,120 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.1
Cold-warped Lockbox - Eureka Pagos
1,199,900 Leviathan 2025-03-24 4.36
Uah'shepya - Solution Nine - 3 Twilight Gemstones (Cenote Ja Ja Gural)
1,399,999 Excalibur 2025-03-24 7.05
Shiromaru 1,499,980 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.45
A Close Shave
Eureka Orthos - Bronze Sack
1,500,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.35
Happy Bunny Lockbox - Eureka Pyros
2,000,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.45
Return To Oblivion 2,025,500 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.2
Fleeting Moment 2,049,597 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.4
Heaven-on-High - Platinum Sack
2,500,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 4.35
Raindrop Defense System
Eureka Orthos - Bronze Sack
2,700,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 6.35
Waterside Exploration XXXI
2,888,990 Excalibur 2025-03-24 7.0
Orthos Craklaw
Eureka Orthos - Gold Sack
2,938,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.35
Crimson Rise
Trisassant - Old Sharlayan - 8 Shishu Coins
3,400,000 Exodus 2025-03-23 6.45
Bee My Honey 3,499,998 Exodus 2025-03-24 7.01
Eurekan Petrel
Happy Bunny Lockbox - Eureka Hydatos
3,750,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 4.5
Pixie Wings
Timeworn Kumbhiraskin MapTimeworn Ophiotauroskin Map
3,999,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.0
400 Faux Leaves
4,200,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.3
400 Faux Leaves
4,530,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.2
Tin Soldier S3
400 Faux Leaves
4,635,999 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.1
400 Faux Leaves
4,889,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.5
Sand Fox
400 Faux Leaves
4,890,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 5.3
400 Faux Leaves
4,899,997 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.4
Kydonia Strolls
400 Faux Leaves
5,250,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.5
1 Khloe's Gold Certificate of Commendation600 Faux Leaves
6,000,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.1
Sabotender De La Luna
1 Khloe's Gold Certificate of Commendation600 Faux Leaves
6,287,000 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.5
Wondrous Lanner
1 Khloe's Gold Certificate of Commendation600 Faux Leaves
6,499,990 Behemoth 2025-03-24 6.2
Nesvaaz - Radz-at-Han - 3 Burning Horns (The Shifting Gymnasion Agonon - Gold Chests)
6,500,000 Excalibur 2025-03-23 6.3
Magicked Children's Bed
1 Khloe's Gold Certificate of Commendation600 Faux Leaves
6,599,999 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.4
Another Aloalo IslandTrisassant - Old Sharlayan - 100 Aloalo Coins
6,898,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.51
600 Faux Leaves1 Khloe's Gold Certificate of Commendation
6,999,999 Leviathan 2025-03-24 5.3
Venturous Kamuy
1 Khloe's Gold Certificate of Commendation600 Faux Leaves
7,000,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 7.1
Construct VI-S
600 Faux Leaves
7,000,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 5.4
1 Khloe's Gold Certificate of Commendation600 Faux Leaves
7,181,995 Ultros 2025-03-24 6.0
Air-wheeler A9
Neon - Solution Nine - 7,500,000 Gil
8,019,998 Famfrit 2025-03-24 7.0
Black Pegasus
The Palace of the Dead - Gold Sack
8,999,999 Excalibur 2025-03-24 3.4
Barreltender 9,588,888 Lamia 2025-03-24 7.1
Rroneek 9,700,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 7.0
Nesvaaz - Radz-at-Han - 3 Bottles Of Exciting Tonic (The Excitatron 6000 - Gold Chests)
13,400,000 Lamia 2025-03-24 6.3
Another Mount RokkonTrisassant - Old Sharlayan - 100 Shishu Coins
13,600,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 6.45
Sil'dihn Throne
Another Sil'dihn SubterraneTrisassant - Old Sharlayan - 100 Sil'dihn Silvers
14,299,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.25
A Half Times Two
Uah'shepya - Solution Nine - 49 Clouddark Demimateria IIThe Cloud Of Darkness (Chaotic)
15,688,666 Lamia 2025-03-24 7.15
Gabriel Mark III
Delubrum Reginae - Final Boss Chests
15,999,999 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.45
Copycat Bulb
Happy Bunny Lockbox - Eureka Pagos
16,000,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 4.36
Dalriada - Final Boss Chest
18,300,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 5.55
Resplendent Vessel Of Ronka
Tabeth - Eulmore - 25,000,000 Gil
27,000,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 5.5
Wisp Of Darkness 27,887,000 Excalibur 2025-03-24 7.15
Dais Of Darkness
Uah'shepya - Solution Nine - 75 Clouddark Demimateria IIThe Cloud Of Darkness (Chaotic)
28,888,888 Exodus 2025-03-24 7.15
Wind-up Philos 32,000,000 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.3
Golden Beaver 44,999,999 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.4
Wind-up Aidoneus 45,000,000 Hyperion 2025-03-24 6.3
Edelina - Mor Dhona - 50,000,000 Gil
49,999,999 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.3
Gilded Mikoshi
Edelina - Mor Dhona - 50,000,000 Gil
52,999,999 Exodus 2025-03-24 5.5
Magitek Avenger G1
Edelina - Mor Dhona - 50,000,000 Gil
53,000,000 Famfrit 2025-03-24 6.3
Edelina - Mor Dhona - 500 Turali Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers
69,989,999 Exodus 2025-03-24 7.0
Fallen Angel Wings
Edelina - Mor Dhona - 500 Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers
79,000,000 Exodus 2025-03-24 6.0
Edelina - Mor Dhona - 500 Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers
86,789,123 Leviathan 2025-03-24 6.0
Paramour Barding
Valentione's Day (2015)Online Store
98,999,998 Excalibur 2025-03-24 2.5
Starlight Barding
The Starlight Celebration (2013)Online Store
213,333,337 Exodus 2025-03-24 2.1
Egg Barding
Hatching-tide (2014)Online Store
999,999,999 Leviathan 2025-03-24 2.2
Eyepatch (Right)
Maisenta (Gridania) / Roarich (Ul'dah) / Bango Zango (Limsa Lominsa) - 3,000 Gil
N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Fun And Games N/A N/A N/A 7.2
In Dawn's Embrace
Obtained from subaquatic voyages.
N/A N/A N/A 7.2
400 Faux Leaves
N/A N/A N/A 7.2
400 Faux Leaves
N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Peerless N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Unleashed N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Not Afraid N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Back To The Drawing Board N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Ride The Rhythm N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Find The Princess (Dawntrail) N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Roses Of May (Dawntrail) N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Coeurl Eyeglasses
N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Eyepatch (Left)
Maisenta (Gridania) / Roarich (Ul'dah) / Bango Zango (Limsa Lominsa) - 3,000 Gil
N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Tinted Goggles
N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Queen's Knight Barding N/A N/A N/A 7.2
Royal Hound
N/A N/A N/A 7.2
600 Faux Leaves
N/A N/A N/A 7.2

*Prices are retrieved daily from Universalis and are only meant to give a general idea of an item's value.