39. Yamatsumi Pyr Urabe
Mean-spirited (25, 14)
Race: Hyur (Far Eastern)
Age: 41
Birthplace: Godo Village, Doma

The Urabe clan was once a well-respected house of Doma, and fervent practitioners of Onmyodo. Charged with the oversight of the nation's religious affairs, they served at the pleasure of Doma's royal family for generations. Under the Empire's rule, however, any and all religious exercises were strictly forbidden, the Garleans believing they would invariably lead to the summoning of eikons. All known to be onmyoji, practitioners of this spiritual art, were kept under close watch. The viceroy Yotsuyu's treatment of these people was said to be especially cruel, bordering on the inhumane─a true test of faith, some would attest.

When the opportunity arose, a great many of the onmyoji fled from Doma, some choosing to go underground and form a resistance group. The Urabe family could not abandon their pride, nor could they shake their sense of duty to the royal family. And so they chose to stand and fight─a valiant-but-fruitless endeavor that would prove the end of that once-noble house.

At least, that is what the Empire was led to believe. In truth, a small number of the Urabe clan─led by Yamatsumi─would escape, assisted by none other than Noah van Gabranth. Thus would the Onmyoji Brotherhood rise from the ashes of the Urabe clan.

Where the Empire abhorred the onmyoji─often based on misguided principles─Gabranth saw untapped potential, which is why he offered Yamatsumi a place at his side. The Doman fugitive was understandably apprehensive until he came to learn of Gabranth's goals to not only reclaim Doma from the Empire, but ultimately build a prosperous new nation in Dalmasca. Gabranth was not at all the cruel, callous imperial Yamatsumi presumed him to be, and his earnestness proved enough for the onmyoji to pledge his services to the IVth Legion.

Having been handpicked by Gabranth himself, one might expect Yamatsumi to hold high station within the IVth Legion, but his position among the rank-and-file soldiers would lend him the freedom needed to better fulfill Gabranth's plans. Menenius took advantage of this state of affairs, tasking Yamatsumi and his cadre of mages with seeking out certain holy relics.

The onmyoji possessed a penchant for finding such artifacts, it would seem, for after he fled Doma, a holy artifact─the kami-no-iwato─was discovered in his possession. It is uncertain how this votive jewel found its way into his hands, but Yamatsumi claims it was originally bequeathed to the royal line of Doma by his forebears, and he merely claimed what was rightfully his. Doman officials, meanwhile, refute such claims, and have charged him with the crimes of larceny and treason.