02. Pride And Acceptance

It was said that the undead which flooded the waterways were beyond counting, and varied wildly in individual strength. The most effective strategy, or so this soldier believed, was to focus their efforts on the weaker zombies, and thus whittle the horde down to a more manageable size. Not so the Amalj'aa. When presented with the choice, the proud warriors would always seek to slay the mightiest enemies first. This display of superiority, they explained to the exasperated Ul'dahn, was the best way to wage war. To do otherwise─to begin an engagement with the lesser foe─would cast doubt upon one's martial prowess.
'Twould seem they learned to respect each other's reasoning, yet ultimately fought their battles as their peoples preferred. The Ul'dahn soldier returned to his former tactic, targeting the weakest undead for his initial assaults. An interesting point of culture, mayhap, but a helpful one? That remains to be seen.